tests package


tests.conftest module


Remove test output created during testing.

Datasets defined in data_pipeline_inputs/config.yaml can’t be handled with pytest’s tmp_path, so are cleaned up here. Change these locations as necessary when the config file changes.

tests.utils module

tests.utils.calculateInfectiousOverTime(ts, infectiousStates)

Create a list of the number of infectious people over time

  • ts – pandas dataframe with the entire outbreak timeseries

  • infectiousStates – compartments considered infectious

tests.utils.compare_mpl_plots(fig, force_update=False)

This function is specialised in comparing matplotlib figures with a baseline. The baseline will be an image inside mpl_images in the current directory, with name matching the test’s name.

The baseline will be automatically created if it doesn’t exist (but the test will still fail). Using force_update allows the user to iterate over how the image looks through running the tests multiple times with the flag enabled.

  • fig – The produced image you want to check for regressions

  • force_update – This can be handy during development. Setting this to True will always fail the test, but the baseline image will be updated, so you can easily iterate over the way you want the plotting function called

tests.utils.create_baseline(test_data, force_update=False)

This function is a generic way to keep a baseline fixture updated. It’s specially useful for regression tests. It checks if the baseline_name exists in the desired path, if it doesn’t the test will fail, but this function will write it (so next run will succeed).

This function doesn’t make any assumptions regarding the data inside the files, so it just returns the baseline so that the test can load it and compare.

  • test_data – the file produced by the test

  • force_update – set it to true if you want to always overwrite the baseline file (the test will always fail)